Regulated exchange with a wide variety of functions, it is an ideal platform for expert traders in the global market, according to the fact that the platform has several tokenized assets and cryptocurrencies, allowing a wide entry sector for Forex and futures traders in currencies and stocks.
Much of its commercial capacity is capable of processing a high degree of transactions, since the large number of assets included in the exchanges with a high degree of liquidity is vast, without having to have the analysis tools that it includes, since a large part Tokenized assets require a more exhaustive analysis with indicators.
The platform's level of support adds several customer service systems either through live chat or chat with the platform's telegram bot. Being a regulated exchange, the exchange has all the commercial licenses to handle cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets, in addition the level of security for both the user and the page are reinforced by a high level of encryption.
Many of the exchanges available today only have cryptocurrencies to trade, so this limits only cryptocurrency operators, but in terms of Currency, it adds several commercial assets for a better commercial range for operators.