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Review on EtherDelta (ForkDelta) by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 2 out of 5

In general, etherdelta is a de-centralized exhange, based on smart etherium…

In general, etherdelta is a de-centralized exhange, based on smart etherium contracts. and its striking part is that all ERC-20 tokens are listed, giving you the possibility to new markets and tokens that are opening up. For the buyers to be able to acquire these at an economic price so that when they are listed in larger exchanges and their value increases, the general profit will be interesting. But not everything is good because this exchange was already falsified and many people walked in that massive theft of ether, there are not many transactions and in some occasions this slow since it depends on the verification by the ether network

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 2
Currently it has a low volume in transactions and use, this exchange was cloned in order to steal funds from the main users and to introduce their personal passwords.
* outdated roadmap.
* In the different threads of Reddit there are multiple user complaints.
This type of exchanges is not recommended for inexperienced users since they will have many disadvantages.

  • The most striking advantage is that it is totally unsettled, in my opinion it complies with the philosophy of cryptocurrencies and the new era of payments. This Exchange lists the new cryptocurrencies that come out in the different ICOS. The charges are more economical since the transactions are made P2P, and there are no additional charges for the exchange, and you do not need to create accounts or verification systems and identification of the user
  • By being totally unsettled everything that is done with your account depends on the user, from a small transaction to commit errors as it only depends on you. It is not so intuitive but when reading a little the different pages where they teach you how to use it, I consider that it is something complex for new in the world of the cryptos