Gemini is a cryptocurrency exchange which was established lately in the year 2014. This exchange is one of the nicest cryptocurrency exchange platforms to actually trade on. From my knowledge about this exchange, Gemini is a privately owned exchange with head quarters in New York in the United States.
Gemini is a very simple and reliable exchange to trade on because I can tell from experience that it is very easy to use and also a trusted exchange. Trading on Gemini is not something difficult to do because just as I mentioned earlier, it is very easy to use. Trading on Gemini is actually fun if you are an experienced trader learner or may I say; traders who are beginners in trading cryptocurrencies might miss it out because it is not bent on the exchange but actually the kind of cryptocurrency you are actually trading.
Moreover, on Gemini market, it supports many cryptocurrencies and also has much liquidity for trade. Also, there is also an available tutorial for beginners which is on the Gemini cryptopedia. In conclusion, Gemini is a very good exchange to trade on.