Many exchange platforms happens to have stopped existing, this don't seem to be a new thing as up until now, there are still many exchange platforms that are having some signs of going down too.
The exchange platform I would be reviewing today is the GuldenTrader exchange platform. Its name tells it has something to do with the Gulden coin. Well, if that was your guess, then you're absolutely right. The GuldenTrader is a Dutchese exchange platform, argued to be from Netherlands, that allows traders to trade and convert some Fiats and cryptos to the Gulden coin. Fiats like the Euros and some cryptocurrencies, which I don't really know about. The exchange platform is one that provides full support for the Gulden coin.
As of the last time I checked their platform, they don't seem to be in existence any longer as there was a concise and clear announcement of them closing down. I have been able to download a photo of that and have posted it above for better understanding.