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Review on Huobi Global by Anakobe Victor

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Huobi Global

Huobi Global was founded in the year 2013 as a trading platform by Leon Li who is the chain man. Huobi Global has it's headquarters located in Seychelles and other branches located in Asia and many parts of Europe

As a trading platform, Huobi Global is recognized as ones oldest trading platform still relevant till date and can be operated on Android phones and on iOS devices and also attracts lots of new users to their platform by giving away bonuses to meet their

Their security system is one of the strongest in the world and that's also one of the major reason why alot of people uses their platform in trading their funds,they provide optimal security

On the issue of transaction fees,i consider them also one of the best as they give a rate of about 0.2% which is an acceptable one

I am therefore using this medium to call on prospective traders to try this platform as they offer excellent services

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Based on extensive research i found out that Huobi Global has an estimated trading volume of about $8.3billion with over 2 crypto pairs and 80 pairs belonging to Ethereum

I find their services intriguing as registration amon things could be done in the shortest imaginable time,with research done I found out that their privacy is indeed a secured one with customers having full assurance of safe funds or investments

  • Amazing user interface
  • Low transaction fees
  • They have a very strong security system
  • Withdrawal option is not so impressive