This is a Turkish exchange available to users from almost all over the world, it has a considerable amount of cryptocurrencies listed, its main fiat currency is the Turkish lira, it is safe since it has a standard of security in industry average, deposits using fiat money They are available (only with banks in Turkey).
For new users it is an excellent alternative since you can buy and sell without problems, its user interface is adabtable available every day. The truth will not miss any moment to make a good sale or purchase.
In general it may not be a good service for users from other countries, since basically it can only be traded using the Turkish lira, withdrawals have a low price when using BTC, they have excellent customer service as well as a section of basic questions where You will understand everything related to the encryption market and the technology used by Thodex.
Previously called Koineks rebranded as Thodex.