Venturing into the cryptographic part of finance involves making great plans; choosing your desired cryptocurrencies and not forgetting the fact that exchanges also play ab important role in the success of a trader. Choosing the wring exchange usually happens when an exchange disguises as a good exchange only for it to come out as a scan exchange usually. I'll be reviewing Nix-E exchange which I feel like it's a Dead/scam exchange.
With no known date of launch, Nix-E exchange is actually an unregulated centralised exchange founded in Russia. As an unregulated exchange, the exchange's actions are not guarded by law or regulations, hence it can easily run off with users funds at anytime unlike regulated exchanges. Currently, the exchange isn't reachable and I was able to come across its Twitter account which I saw its last post that happened to be since 2018. It's clear that there's nothing offered in the exchange, hence stay Away!!!