I have traded on Nominex for just a week, with my time trading on Nominex, I have benefitted quite a lot. Nominex exchange was launched in 2019. It has a good and a promising potential for the future. Everything, from registration down to withdrawal was very easy coupled with the fact that Nominex comes with a nice interface. The entire web page is very attractive(made up of a combination of blue and white). I was introduced to this platform by a fellow trader, who persuaded me and told me of all the good features I could find in the exchange. The process began with my registration which was very easy and fast, No KYC nor AML documents required! An email was sent to me in order to confirm and verify my account. Apart from the fact that Nominex is a trading platform, it is also a platform where users can earn with their knowledge. The exchange comes with various lessons which users can take and read( I participated in most of the lessons and they were very easy and simplified). The lessons are followed by ten multiple choice questions where users can earn some USDT tokens for successfully passing the test. After competing the lessons and their test, and exam containing 28 questions is next, successful completion of the exam will fetch more rewards for the user( I got almost 79 USDT for the exams). These reward can be used to trade and the profit gotten from the trade can be credited to the user. Not only can one earn by learning, Nominex allow users to gain a bonus of 50 USDT for a deposit of just 100 USDT, this is a very attractive offer I'll like to try out. As an exchange, Nominex allows for crypto-staking but for the meantime, it support tron staking. The support team is very activeand is willing to respond to queries and complaints made by users. I feel like this exchange has a lot to offer to the crypto-world, it just needs a little more time. Nominex exchange should be the exchange on every traders mind.