In many of my reviews, I try to emphasizing that trading cryptocurrencies is actually fun especially when you trade on nice exchange, and when I talk about nice exchanges, I mean exchanges that has majority or permit me to say exchanges that has more of the tools that will be required to trade your cryptocurrencies.
As for this exchange, Oasis, it is a very nice exchange to trade on. Oasis is a centralized, licensed cryptocurrency exchange which was established in South Korea that has actually been existing since July, 2019. Actually, this exchange was formerly known as Baibit. One thing I don't like about this exchange is that it only support its country's local currency, KRW, and that its users interface does not look attractive to me but supports a good number of cryptocurrencies. In conclusion, I stopped trading here because I don't like its platform's look, however, you can try it out yourself so that you will see things for yourself.