This is an exchange that was supposed to help users develop their skills in Trading cryptocurrencies. This exchange has been in existence for a long time now and according to what I'm observing about this exchange it cannot support any good activity of trading any cryptocurrency. this project has not created any way of logging into the platform or even created a form of depositing money to buy currencies to trade. According to my research that's not been any form of trading since when this exchange was created.
According to order reviews in the internet has been stated that this exchange is currently a scam project and it will only result to the loss of money and you will end up regretting why you use this exchange if you probably will want to try it out. The possibilities arising from this exchange that might make it look interesting in the future is low. It looks like it was created and left with no purpose
The support services and other help centers has also been desolved and it appears that the Exchange was not really giving a reason to operate. I tried registering for this Exchange I was asked for my email and when I write my email I was expecting a code from the network which I couldn't get, I tried the phone call there was no response. I don't think it has ever operated before, because it has zero
This Exchange is bad, just resist from it ane Find better platforms to trade your cryptocurrency