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Review on Poloniex by Sibasis Bhatt

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Poloniex exchange is present days is most popular for trading market .

Poloniex exchange is present days is most popular for trading market .


  • Poloniex is one of the of the largest stock exchanges in the world. It provides the highest trading volumes for most altcoin, which can be exchanged for Bitcoin. Many of Poloniex employees still remain anonymous, probably because digital currencies are still in the shadow business sector and they do not have a license to provide exchange services in the United States. The company , but the popularity and large volumes of trades attracted altcoin-traders from all over the world.
  • Poloniex does not work with fiat currencies. The USD exchange rate is tied to the Alftek Tether (USDT), which costs exactly 1 dollar, but in times of crisis (for example, after the closing of the withdrawal of dollars to Bitfinex), its rate does not always correspond to the dollar. This often confuses inexperienced users trying to withdraw funds from the exchange.

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