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Review on Poloniex by BOSS REAL

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Poloniex has cold storage for securing funds, Poloniex have propelled…

Poloniex has cold storage for securing funds, Poloniex have propelled exchanging instruments like many specialized pointers, I use poloniex but we want revain TRON LIsted on exchnage


Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 5
Poloniex android application is quite impressive and its easy to use also in 2019 they make changes in security means they strong their cold fund wallet


  • poloniex is best and old trusted exchange and poloniex have some great technical indicators, poloniex have low fees, we can easily use poloniex on mobile and laptop, margin trading and leverage also available, Fast Withdrawal and much more
  • In the poloniex exchange best coin such as Revain Neo Tron is not listed, no fiat currency option, regstration process is too bad, support was always inactive

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