The social transfer project is an exchange of computerized resources, such as the expectation of accumulated digital money, as it envisages the purchase, sale and exchange of money types such as Litecoins, Vitae, Electra, Colossus coins.
The last exchange request for this valuation has been in place since April 10, 2021. As a result of the idea of low or very low income, there is nothing to say about the liquidity of this stage. The exchange rate then became very small and low, affecting the trade directly or indirectly. The exchange base of this trade is too low, and as a result it cannot be hated or distinguished in any case.
Although there are many coins to exchange, most are made separately with crypto for a crypto pair. There is no update or comment on Fiat money. In my opinion, I would not recommend leaving a source because it has not been working in the workplace for so long. I suggest you look for different alternatives.