When compiling my data from the research made on this exchange, it was more like I never have one had anything to compound and share in this review as the information that I could salvage from the internet was very low about this exchange. I have gone far And beyond to see if maybe there are other sources to tell more about the platform but with the size of the exchange not working as that appears to have a broken link the platform is not accessible so I can't even ascertain the levels of work on improvement the exchange has promised before initially going offline.
There was a lot of false promises the exchange give from its telegram group and appears to even create a selling point right there but which can't be trusted as we all know the kind of scams available on the market right now.
The team also seems not to be working at any solution to be provided and will look of things I don't see anything worthwhile coming out of this exchange so it is our best interest that we take other platforms instead