Developed for trading stablecoins and pairs with popular cryptocurrencies on the market, VirgoX provides several trading models so the operator can obtain notable profits in the medium and short term, also thanks to its high performance in processing transactions and pronounced liquidity. ideal for any stablecoin traders.
With the option to keep cryptographic offline and multiple signature function, it generates even more security in the safeguarding of assets in the exchange. With an acceptable community for now, the platform is in a development stage since even its version for iOS on mobile is still under development.
Intended for the use of stable currencies, it also adds several currencies and tokens that can be used both for trading with each other and also to earn interest through the platform's savings system, where at the moment it adds 8 currencies for this system. Flexible and also has a term deposit that generates interest for a certain time.
Designed for any operator, it has an academy section for learning about the world of cryptocurrencies and trading between them, in addition to its 24/7 trading interface and customer service are very helpful for any operator with little experience. .