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6 Review
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Review on Zilliqa by Emer Rony

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Overall, Zilliqa is the best decentralized cryptocurrency with blockchain 3.0โ€ฆ

Overall, Zilliqa is the best decentralized cryptocurrency with blockchain 3.0. which runs Hybrid Consensus Mechanism. also, Zilliqa is listed on all major exchanges and by market cap it is ranked on 35th position.


Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
In above review, Zilliqa was ranked on 35 position with 250M $ but now Zilliqa market was crashed and now its ranking is 70 position with only 100M $ marketcap. investors haves good chance to buy the dip.


  • Zilliqa has a Hybrid Consensus Mechanism ( HCM ). The First layer of zilliqa's HCM verifies the identity of nodes so this stops the sybil attacks and the secound layer of HCM gives transaction finality, so there are no hard fork on the network. Zilliqa has its own coding language called Scilla. also Zilliqa is the first platform which uses sharding technology. According to market cap Zilliqa is ranked on 35th position and acquired more than 250 Million U.S.D. market cap.
  • There are very few cons about Zilliqa project but some of them like the team of Zilliqa project is not much experienced. also, many traders are not know the project of zilliqa. There are many strong coin against Zilliqa in Cryptocurrency market. so team of zilliqa must be do marketing about the Zilliqa project.

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October 02, 2019
Mr. Emer, are you sure that your forecast in update text was right? Zilliqa market rank is 75 now and market cap is only 50M $. Don't give next forecasts about good change to buy please because inexperienced traders after your review will go and buy this low token and of course they will lose money.

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