Currently this token has lost more than 100% of its value in its ICO. tokenˈtōkən Traducciones de token AdjetivoFrecuencia simbólico symbolic, symbolical, token, iconic testimonial token Sustantivo laficha file, token, chip, index card, record card, slug lamuestra sample, sign, specimen, sampling, taste, token elindicio indication, hint, clue, trace, inkling, token laprenda garment, pledge, token, wear, forfeit elvale voucher, coupon, token, chit, scrip, paybill elrecuerdo memory, souvenir, remembrance, keepsake, recollection, token elbono bond, token, certificate eldisco disk, disc, record, disco, dial, platter laseñal de agradecimiento token elengaño deception, deceit, hoax, delusion, guile, token laficha de metal token eldetalle detail, gesture, technicality Definiciones de token Sustantivo 1 a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.. In general, most objectors dismissed it as a ceremonial or symbolic token ; an expression of faith, like a crucifix, except it was a blade that could cut, maim and harm. Sinónimos: mementosouvenirkeepsakereminderremembrancememorialsymbolsignemblembadgerepresentationindicationmarkmanifestationexpressionpledgedemonstrationrecognitionevidenceproof 2 a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services, typically one given as a gift or offered as part of a promotional offer. If you are a reader of these papers and would like to pass on the tokens , the students would be most appreciative. Adjetivo 1 done for the sake of appearances or as a symbolic gesture. In response to growing public concern over the plight of the unemployed graduates, the government has made a few token moves to provide jobs. Sinónimos: symbolicemblematicperfunctoryslightnominalminimalminormildsuperficialinconsequential 2 definiciones más Ejemplos de token But even the head acknowledges that her school is beyond such token gestures. 29 ejemplos más Sinónimos de token Sustantivo mementosymbolsouveniritem Adjetivo symbolicnominal 29 sinónimos más