Airswap token is built on ethereum.
This token app is free and very easy to use. Its most important feature is that it can be exchanged with other erc-20 tokens.
It is a system that allows users to be satisfied with the ease of entry and the absence of KYC verification.
Since the infrastructure of this application is solid, it leaves no doubt in the minds of the users. Taking care of security, this application increased the number of users very quickly when looking at other stock market applications. Your property is protected and you can manage it very easily.
If the other is the one that shows the difference, you can contact customer service around the clock.
This application is based on the P2P protocol.
Airswap offers continuous and up-to-date interaction on social media.
In general, this application has great potential and development since 2017.
However, growth slowed somewhat in 2018.
You can use the AST brand to color this project.