ALD is a currency to carry out smaller businesses with a large Index and market characteristics that improve their functionality and promote better trade development, its platforms enable functions and schedules to work in line with an intelligent management of commercial processes.
The Aludira Network significantly improves its financial process, because it enables a high level of business exchanges to be established, information processing to be improved, and a better scheme of trade processes ensured, using its currency's internal exchanges and improving its trust system and its trade level.
It can deliver a full function system and enhance features in its commercial process, work on its investment level, clarify financial processes and improve market access, visibility in all activities and implement a large increase in investment processes in the estimated amount of time, improve growth potential and provide a higher productivity index.
A decentralized initiative that wants to better position itself within the market, ensures that its level of investment is significantly improved and that the procedures are carried out on the internet.