This project is based on the connection of the well-known Oracle relational database manager to be used by dapp in block chains, in other words connecting real data with smart contracts. For this, it is divided into 4 products: Bandchain node available in the Github repository, bandChain explorer to interconnect with the database in order to package them and pass them to the BlockChain chain, IBC Bridge to make the readings and finally a Sripts of Oracle to have the functionalities of the Oracle database manager. I imagine it is something very similar to the work that is done with traditional PHP to connect the web portal with the external databases with data. Personally, it seems to me an excellent project that solves a problem of a hybrid application that I have in the middle of development in which I will connect the traditional dynamic web with the blockchain and use smart contracts and tokenize the application. It is true that there are several projects similar to this one, but I think that the way of working in an easy-to-operate environment gives it advantages over others