How interesting it would be to keep fit and earn some money for doing so. With Beat, every user can get to earn the beat token for keeping fit while using it's mobile application for the fitness and workout period. I could see that the vast operation of this platform is being concluded and utilised on his mobile application which can be gotten on the Android and iOS devices from their respective mobile stores. With this platform or more preferably its application users can get to keep track of their fitness records which is actually being stored on the block chain which is quite immutable at the same time and n b tokens directly into the wallet that is integrated into the application. The scope of the project utility token, Beat which is seen to be a means of rewards payment to users can also be purchased by big organisations in order to source out data from users about their fitness record. This therefore makes it less hazardous to being dumped by people who earn it. All seems fine with this project, it still appears active but with no price aggregator like coinmarketcap having no information on where to trade the token, am really not getting it.