The low price and maybe if some investiments happen could be good reasons to invest in Bitcore at the moment and perhaps prepare for a nice future for Bitcore.
Bitcore(BTC) is the first known cryptocurrency to use the hybrid fork method to distribute BTX to Bitcoin holders.
The transaction fees are very low.
Bitcore support is built into POS terminals from Paytomat
A Bitcore transaction is immutable. Once a client has paid for a product or service, the money is in your account.
Bitcore is supported in a great number of wallets
Many mining pools are available for Bitcore
ropCoin platform allows users to send Bitcore in any way they can share it on any service (Email, Facebook, Dropbox, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Telegram
Bitcore since its inception faces ups and downs. The value of the currency is currently very low and this situation does not appear to change in the short and medium term. The crypto-coins market is saturated and there are better projects to be observed by enthusiasts.