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6 Review
12 Karma

Review on BitShares by rama patkure

Revainrating 4 out of 5

bitshare is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides their users a best…

bitshare is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides their users a best of service also transaction is excellent. And with that also it is much secure. The team is also getting hard work and doing well work on their project. Hope this will regain its excellent position in the market.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
Fungible cryptocurrency with high liquidity
But bitshares not have any reason to invest because it is mainly usable for sending and receiving crypto

  • Bitshare provides a securest and fungible cryptocurrency online exchange who can handle many trading volumes. The bitshare community itself runs bitshare platform. Also, the team is excellent. It is a fast and fluid trading platform. Bitshare technology is totally decentralized which is much attractive.
  • Qtum is an awesome project with a great idea, but it is not a trustful project. As we can see the price of this just came down very badly, so people are losing their trust also with that the marketing is much less so not many peoples joined to this.

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