UBU, is developed as a token that guarantees access to a secure platform, based on blockchain technology, decentralized finance and guarantees trading between digital assets, supporting on its platform a variety of popular digital assets, easy access tools, with easy to use trading and faucet to generate rewards. UBU, represents the native digital asset for the ecosystem, this allows to operate within the platform, it guarantees to the users holders of UBU coins, to be able to participate in the voting system, thus allowing decision making within the community and for the improvement and development of the ecosystem, similarly, UBU is based on a token to invest, as it remains scalable, with fast transactions, it can be traded from various decentralized exchange platforms. Also UBU, has the utility to guarantee users low costs in the payment of transaction fees, it is a token for the delivery of rewards within the ecosystem, to facilitate trading and perform trade mining, being a token that is extracted by trading on the platform.