BLOCKv (VEE): is a project focused on industries, counting with a balanced service platforms, allowing users to develop various e-commerce activities that presents goods and services within the market, is a decentralized project that has its own operating structure, run a technology that makes clear the visualization of products applying the mechanisms that ensures better commercial growth, applying protocols that seek to reduce arduously endless orders that are not processed in large markets, its service ecosystem through the use of its tools ensure better manage the market, Its technology is directly involved with the blockchain service network, being an open source project allows the level of security that is experienced to be very stable, due to a general trade, goods and services that is in constant use with market platforms has an important factor that meets the expected, it is a project with a somewhat slow growth because it required a lot of help to position itself in the market, after a synchronization process I can establish the points of its development.