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Review on Bounty0x by Saparov Meylis

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Bounty0x: About the Bounty0x project

In 2017, blockchain entrepreneurs raised more funds through initial coin offerings (ICOs) than through traditional venture capital investments. So far in 2017, blockchain entrepreneurs have increased over $ 1.5 billion. The US on ICO offers and even exceeded the funds raised via VC in June and July. This will only continue in 2018 and beyond. Startups, accordingly, rely even more on bonus programs along with upcoming ICOs to complete pre-ico tasks. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

A bonus program is an offer made by many startups, websites and software developers that allows people to receive recognition and compensation for completing marketing tasks, reporting bugs, or improving a product / service. Bounty Programs & nbsp; are also a commonly used tool used when launching ICOs. Bounty examples frequently posted by ICO startups include social media posting, blog posting, and translation. Typically, startups reward contributors with their own tokens.

Bounty0x was conceived as a District0x proposal and was selected from among four district proposals. The proposal is currently being voted on to be the next district to be built on the District0x platform. The bounty0x.io platform will eventually move to the district0x networking platform when the d0xinfra protocol is ready, and at that time, allow DNT token holders to stake their DNTs to take part in the governance of the bounty0x.io platform. </p>

Currently, startups pay bonuses to managers from $ 2-4 thousand in ETH or BTC to manage their campaign, as well as a percentage of the launch token itself. This platform is going to cut that cost by more than 80 percent, creating an economic incentive for startups to join the bounty0x & rsquo; platform. to save time and money by managing your bonus campaigns.

  • Startups pay bonuses to managers
  • Good and reliable platform
  • The platform is hard to understand