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Revainrating 4 out of 5

about bzlcoin

difficult to confirm, I think the trend is not good, need proof from the founder to see if the coin shows signs of strong increase, they will buy and hold very much, I also hope this possibility will be available in the future.

  • The platform is very good, the total supply is less than 5 million coins, the rate will be very high, the fee is very low, for example, the night is very good but I think very little to buy and hold during this period, free campaign of assessment will be very useful for bzlcoin founder, at the current perspective, bzlcoin is increasing
  • It is hard to survive, the lessons of the new coin projects are being carried out, so it is impossible to buy and hold much.

Revainrating 3 out of 5

about bzlcoin

reviews on free campaigns will be very useful for founders to know and identify, overall look is not good nor bad

  • the total supply is very low at more than 2 million coins, so the high rate of payment is very high but it is not sure, the platform itself is equivalent to the best coins at the present time, very fast withdrawal and very high fees. low.
  • this confirmation will make the participants very uneasy but hope to be overcome in the future, when the rate increases, the participants will buy and hold, they are waiting for the opportunity to buy and now very little is not so the founder needs to push as fast as possible

Revainrating 2 out of 5

about bzlcoin review

I think it is difficult for bzlcoin to grow, I think the leader is incapable and the final result is that I can see, because many good projects are competing with each other so bzlcoin is hard to be as bitcoin the leader has declare. I think the leader has to try 100 times more than the present.

  • The views will help bzlcoin learn the truth and understand the psychology of participants, free campaigns on reviews will help bzlcoin much better, good and bad reviews will help bzlcoin overcome and explode
  • The truth needs to work very hard to become good or it will be very bad, fast transactions but very slow processing, very frustrated, participants do not like this point.

Revainrating 2 out of 5

about bzlcoin

In general, I think it is not feasible to have a free evaluation campaign that will help bzlcoin see the truth.

  • very limited advantages, thanks to free campaigns, it will help bzlcoin become more stable because good and bad reviews help bzlcoin exert a lot of effort :)) otherwise bzlcoin will not have participants
  • the big cons, the more the founder has to prove that his project is bitcoin 2.0 or ripple 2.0, then the participant will put a lot of money into it to see

Revainrating 3 out of 5

about bzlcoin review 100%

In terms of investment and hold coin, the participants are very spoiled, mischievous, their minds are not good, they are not stupid :)) because no one put money into buying a currency but the platform has not been developed strongly, the The competition is also difficult, so I personally think they would rather buy and hold valuable coins and solid coins like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, ripplecoin .... these coins are strong and very good However, for bzlcoin, they can spend very little to buy

  • I am very supportive of the free airdrop campaign because it helps the bzlcoin platform be well known
  • platform, private but for stability and long term it is difficult to determine, if you want to be strong, then surely leader will have to try a lot more than other stable projects, very slow transactions, things This will make participants very angry and argue that bzlcoin is not good

Revainrating 3 out of 5

about review bzlcoin

I think about the high risk that participants will not buy much on this coin instead they will hold the top leading coin on the market, on the other hand bzlcoin has free play campaign on this coin that will be 1 Very good support for the participants.

  • bzlcoin is a separate platform separate from the ethereum platform it is like a completely separate coin, which is very similar to the top-ranked coins like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, bchabc, anchor .... it can be a good thing to help participants be more confident than other projects.
  • In fact, the risk of this project is quite high, participants will have a lot of consideration before buying or investing in this project. If broken, bzlcoin will be destroyed.

Revainrating 3 out of 5

about revain bzlcoin review

I think this project is not good nor bad, at normal levels, tks you because there was an airdrop free campaign about bzlcoin.

  • has free airdrop, its own platform is quite like bitcoin, very low fee, long hold rate will increase gradually in a few short periods, in particular, it is very good security, not the foundation of ethereum
  • very slow transaction, hold according to 100% information, not stable, i think I can't go far

Revainrating 2 out of 5

about revain bzlcoin

later projects are difficult to go far, participants are not keen on this project except the hold coin, which is 100% true.

  • free airdrop, separate platform with ethereum, low charge, I see no other pros
  • confirm for a long time, can't go far, information has not been clear, long hold

Revainrating 2 out of 5

about bzlcoin

this project is rate not high, It is difficult to compete so it is not known, if high risk occurs, bzlcoin is not strong

  • bzlcoin is expected to increase sharply in the near future, pretty low fee, own platform, stable
  • It is difficult to compete with other currencies better, trading longer, confirming rather slowly, consider buying, high risk

Revainrating 3 out of 5

about bzlcoin

Overall evaluation I think this project is not the best.

  • bzlcoin market is quite crowded with participants, having a good foundation, the most optimal of all other projects, have private wallet, security ok, low charge.
  • bzlcoin has very few disadvantages, the hold coin is quite long, if you have to buy it, you have to hold it quite long, high risk, confirm for a long time, longer than other currencies.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

about review bzlcoin

bzlcoin synthesis is not good is normal :))

  • bzlcoin has many advantages, quite like bitcoin, has its own wallet, fast loading, withdrawal, and more and more community members become a project that attracts many participants.
  • bzlcoin has few disadvantages, it does not have to eat and hold, it is difficult to compete with the top coins.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

about bzlcoin

bzlcoin is a very good project, tks you

  • bzlcoin has many advantages, long routes, free delivery to help the community grow. There is a bitcoin-like platform, but bzlcoin is much better than bitcoin, much, much better
  • bzlcoin has very few drawbacks, except hold very long, loaded, withdraw quite slowly not fast

An overview from the advantages and disadvantages I see this project is very feasible.

  • bzlcoin is a long-term and potentially very potential project, with its own background and likeness like the bitcoin giant, which is expected to explode in the future, this is my own point of view.
  • bzlcoin tries to limit the drawback, I don't see bzlcoin having too many disadvantages except trying to keep the money for a long time if there is an ambition to explode.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

about bzlcoin

bzlcoin is a very good project, great

  • BZLCoin is an anonymous, untraceable and secure hybrid cryptocurrency. Ticker: BZL BZLCoin [BZL] is an anonymous, untraceable, energy efficient, Proof-of-Work (New Tribus Algorithm) and Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrency. 7,000,000 BZL will be created in max. BZLCoin has a ~21.43% Premine of 1,500,000 BZL for bounties, distribution, and marketing.
  • Developers work in their own trees, then submit pull requests when they think their feature or bug fix is ready. The patch will be accepted if there is broad consensus that it is a good thing. Developers should expect to rework and resubmit patches if they don't match the project's coding conventions (see coding.txt) or are controversial. The master branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be completely stable. Tags are regularly created to indicate new stable release versions of BZLCoin. Feature branches are created when there are major new features being worked on by several people. From time to time a pull request will become outdated. If this occurs, and the pull is no longer automatically mergeable; a comment on the pull will be used to issue a warning of closure. The pull will be closed 15 days after the warning if action is not taken by the author. Pull requests closed in this manner will have their corresponding issue labeled 'stagnant'. Issues with no commits will be given a similar warning, and closed after 15 days from their last activity. Issues closed in this manner will be labeled 'stale'.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

about bzlcoin

good project, tks you

  • Services and BZLcoin: mobile credits, bank slips, Uber cards, Netflix cards, Sky prepaid, Claro TV and Google Play. Possible integration between BZLcoin and AtarBand wristbands for payments on POS machines through NFC technology. Wallet Desktop upgrade. In 2018, the amount of blocks and BZLcoins issued were smaller than planned, causing a decrease in the stakes of PoW and masternodes. Therefore, the block time will be divided in half (30 seconds to 15 seconds), issueing 04 BZLcoins per minute.
  • There was an important update on BZLcoin’s wallet, where the masternodes was implemented. Nowadays, there are 72 active masternodes (2 500 BZLcoins each), representing an important upgrade to network security Also the update fixed a problem related to PoS.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

about bzlcoin

i THINK BZLCOIN is the best

  • BZLCOIN (CURRENCY:BZL) traded down 10.5% against the dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 22:00 PM E.T. on May 17th. In the last week, BZLCOIN has traded 0.9% lower against the dollar. BZLCOIN has a market capitalization of $11,355.00 and $3.00 worth of BZLCOIN was traded on exchanges in the last day. One BZLCOIN coin can currently be bought for $0.0054 or 0.00000074 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including Crex24, STEX and CryptoBridge.
  • BZLCOIN can be traded on the following cryptocurrency exchanges: CryptoBridge, STEX and Crex24. It is usually not presently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as BZLCOIN directly using U.S. dollars. Investors seeking to acquire BZLCOIN should first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange that deals in U.S. dollars such as Coinbase, Gemini or GDAX. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase BZLCOIN using one of the aforementioned exchanges.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

about bzlcoin

Wow, there are lots of coins released/ launched everyday. So my question for developers is which specifications make the BZL coin different from others? Does BZL has huge potential in terms of real-life usage? Thank you.

  • To evaluate the ROI that can be received from the BZLCOIN investment in 2019 the system has analyzed the daily rates of the coin for the past 6 months. The nature of crypto assets is wavy, which means that there is a strong possibility that BZL can hit near to an all-time value once again in the future.
  • The latest BZL price is $0.005932. As per this BZLCOIN analysis, today the investment has a 1.7 out of 10 safety rank and +210.4% expected return with the cost moving to $0.018416. The dominant ranking factor for this crypto asset is 24h Change.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

BZLCOIN (BZl) - Your next privacy currency

As mentioned in the "pros", BZLCoin is a privacy coin. It is an anonymous, untraceable and secure hybrid virtual currency. It achieves the status of privacy coin by using stealth addresses as well as encrypted messaging. Not only its secure and untraceable but its really fast in terms of transaction speed as well with only 30 seconds of block times as per the sources on the internet. I consider this coin highly decentralized. The Net total supply of BZL coin is 2,214,758 out of which…

  • Anonymous and untraceable
  • Energy efficient
  • Max supply as per CMC is 10,850,000 only
  • Not yet found