Its cryptocurrency name "ADA" is derived from the name of Ada Lovelace, the daughter of the famous poet lord byron, mathematician and the first computer programmer.
Cardano is a blockchain project founded by Charles Haskinson, co-founder of Ethereum, to create a more balanced and stable ecosystem for virtual currencies. According to its website, ADA is the only coin that has a scientific philosophy and research strategy. In scientific terms, this means that blockchain is a free resource used by scientists and academic programmers to conduct a research process.
The viability of a virtual currency depends on its transferability both in its natural ecosystem and in relation to existing global financial ecosystems. At present, there is no way to perform inter-chain transactions between virtual currencies or to perform a single transaction consisting of virtual currencies and the global financial ecosystem. Expenses, which come at a huge cost, are just intermediaries. A set of rules relating to the customer and the identity of the transaction has further diverted virtual currency from its global counterparts.
Cardano intends to enable intra-chain transfers through sub-chains that conduct transactions between the two sides of the chain. It is also looking for ways for institutions and individuals to disseminate information about transactions and individuals so that virtual currencies can be used for day-to-day transactions and transactions.