Project designed to trade cryptocurrencies quickly and easily, it allows operators to both buy and sell cryptocurrencies with Fiat currency without the need to register, since also the exchange between crypto assets is easy to use and it does not have any limit of exchanges in that section.
With several competitors in the market, the services added by the platform are not different, however the functionality of selling and buying cryptocurrencies in Fiat currency without the need for KYC verification, although it has limits for buying and selling.
With an excellent number of cryptocurrencies to be able to exchange, the processing speed is fast compared to other atomic cryptocurrency exchange platforms, in addition to having a rate system that the user can choose, such as a fixed exchange rate, where the platform freezes the exchange rate for an estimated 15 minutes to avoid market fluctuations and risks to the user.
The number of platforms with this operation is growing, since the number of holders is increasing, therefore the basic system exercised by the platform is functional and the support of other cryptographic projects can generate greater demand for ChangeHero services.