Chex is a form of blockchain technology company, that have is own token call CHEX TOKEN. The blockchain technology that i been established by B2B type trading network.
Chex can be a non-profit foundation which promotes a non-custodial trade network among different types of companies that exchange products and any form of goods in the Cannabis jurisdiction. This network was actually created from Singapore.
Chex's has it own main mission which is to encourage mass adoption of distributed ledger technology to achieve a better networking platform in this crypto trading era of day.
CHEX make use of the cryptocurrency that is of the same type of name to power its network activities. Chex is a form of digital assets that has just 500 million which is just a maximum supply creation and there is no any available coins in exchange trading market today.
The most bad aspect of this network is that we can call of the main protocol; which is generally it is represented by the centralized governance which can also be able to achieve a little confidence in its followers for the platform.
In conclusion, to this ability of low provision of its currency which also involved the inability to be able to generate itself by mining the coin in the exchange market.