Connectome (CNTM), a human virtual decision-maker who has decided to implement man-made think-tank innovations in the biological system and allow them to grow dependent on these innovations, offers a lot of help and benefits to this cosmic universe. , business and blockchain innovations have created a Robo-Advisory round, which seeks to improve decentralized currencies, and then a variety of well-developed sources for speculation, and therefore with greater liquidity. Connectome (CNTM) provides enterprise-wide expertise, in addition to providing great assistance, blocking-based activities, speculation warnings, and even power administrations, so there is an organization and environment that ensures that the stage and administrations function properly. developments and great strength and versatility. The company has created the Connectome (CNTM) logo, which allows it to work in the environment, exchange from various well-known trading stages, work in the Robo-Advisor phase, and become a source for account within the biological system.