Counos Coin's platform provides its financial services with an extensive list of cryptocurrencies and its native token based on the litecoin system but with a personal block section, This platform is decentralized, providing excellent security to its users It has its own compatible wallet through its application to android ando iOS devices I feel it is very easy to operate and a comfortable interface for any user. The Counos Coin system is P2P that means that it is from person to person when making any payment transaction or instant payments, It has fast transactions compared to other payment platforms and you can get rewards for withdrawal as it is chosen through proofs of work. In addition to having a cost based on established fiat currencies such as the dollar, the euro and the Swiss franc, this is very useful when making exact payments. Undoubtedly it is a project that is on the right track and with a very good reputation in the eyes of the other platforms with independent blockchains, this being very positive in the present