Crystal Token (CYL) is a project developed to provide ease and automation in trading and investment tasks, allowing for growth and scalability in invested finances. This ecosystem implements extensive security technologies and adopts trading strategies or clones them to provide good efficiency in each investment strategy. The platform provides bots, which help to make investments, thus avoiding the user to spend time in trading and eliminating nervousness and insecurities when investing crypto capital, helping to make trading automatic, safe, applying good trading strategies and allowing to generate passive income. Crystal Token (CYL), is based on the native token to operate within the ecosystem, as this provides discounts on services, enables easy payment of transaction fees and allows to be obtained through the shares on the platform and also from various popular decentralized exchange platforms, its ecosystem has an API that allows to connect securely and reliably exchange platforms, guarantee trading transactions based on profitability, automation and helps to make reliable investment strategies.