Constituted as an open source betting platform powered with blockchain technology, it provides players with different tools and betting sections, both sports and table games, it also distinguishes itself in offering secondary services such as passive rewards for retention of DCNTR than the native asset. from the platform.
Its network architecture is understood around its DCNTR currency since with it you can enter the betting systems in games and sports on the platform, it also allows you to block said currency to generate passive rewards, which generates security to the network with incentives added, since the user will also be able to withdraw these coins in the listed exchanges, which is currently available in a maximum of three crypto exchanges, but given the commercial volume, it still does not attract attention as a potential future investment.
Intended for the use of gamblers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, this project covers both services, although there are several betting platforms, many accept cryptocurrencies as a deposit to bet, but few integrate a chain of blocks as their services operate.