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Review on Dentacoin by Mr Benji

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Mobile data for everyone

- It's company witch focusing on virtual tel. communication and mobile data market. Working on an ethereum blockchain
- They want to change the way how mobile data are bought today. Right now we are buying data directly from providers and prices across the countries are so much different. Another problem is that every month a lot of user data just forfeit. According to dent research, it's about $ 5 billion in data.
- How they want to beat current providers?
1. Transparency
2. Availability world wide
3. Better price
- The big advantage is peer to peer exchange when users don't need to use providers to buy data.
- Dent building stone is their application available on google store and on IOS in some countries, it was even numbered 1 trending.
In this app, you can find a way to give your data or sell them. There is also a dent wallet and in some countries the possibility of voice calls.
For dent this app can work also as blockfolio so you cant track the price your gains etc...
- The company that is behind dent was created from the forex firm that has a very good reputation. It was created in 2014 so it's not super new and we can be sure it will be here for longer.
-In the team we can find people with 10+ years of experience in mobile application making, crypto space etc...
- The team was selling a lot of tokens during the bear market and there is still a possibility they will sell more tokens so it's important to track their wallet on etherscan. Recently the launched voice calls to China.
But there are more countries involved like Slovakia, Iceland, Argentina, Uruguay etc..
-According to dent their exchange has more than 111.000 users using it a day. That would rate them among the best exchanges however it's hard to verify this information.
According to alexa website traffic, we can find significantly lower numbers.


Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
New updates like surveys when the patient and dentist can get a common ground and the patient can express what they want or fell. new DENTACARE GAME + many rewards etc... Currently, which can be good, but also can impact badly the price.


  • Huge mobiel market
  • Having platform
  • Roadmap update
  • Company with in forex with good reputation as creator
  • Is the traffic that high?

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