Dionpay (DION): is a project that allows to establish a better development in the commercial environments based on the use of gaming applications, allows to generate a better experiences conformed by tools and developed and achieve a Balance between market and trade, its platform was developed in order to support many commercial situations and achieve direct access to cryptographic processes and link them with applications and games offered by the system, is a platform that develops a complete environment and run the combination between entertainment, market and stock market, with high possibilities of personal growth and employs various commercial mechanism which ensure their level of stable investment, it allows through the use of filter to be always safe in its market ecosystem as it presents clear alternative in the process and handles very clear and very particular process in the elements, players and games, its commercial infrastructure is developed based on its business model and allows better service offering and its environment in the commercial games, allows access to a more complete market and establish a complete access to many long-term investment patterns with a solid growth opportunity and plays an important role in running its open source, large list of services and games.