The prestigious Elementeum Games, launched in 2017, focuses on the transformation of events and the advent of Blockchain-based games. The group is working on a major release of Ether Legends. Ether Legends, a game of physical and advanced exchange, including battles built on the internet, with an ancient, beautiful arena with a happy imaginary flame on the player. With a one-time QR reclamation, it is possible to collect real-life exchange cards that can be exchanged for Blockchain-targeted developed teams, as well as advanced characters, items and materials to fashion great weapons for height and wealth.
The main purpose of the Elementeum games is to provide a “playable” developed substance and to work with a performance, fun, reliable, intelligent and customized game framework, to turn the Blockchain gaming experience into a great Blockchain gaming experience. Clearly, players are expected to provide an unparalleled gaming experience that can be purchased, traded, and replaced by teams that can be played with physical and advanced components. Players need to be empowered and help change the gameplay by regularly integrating Blockchain into game use situations. The team is gearing up to plan a “player center” game framework and experience a strong integration with what Ether Legends has to bring to the table.