This currency, like BNB, DFT and several other currencies, is the exclusive currency of an exchange called emirex. The emirex token currency also has active pairs in other exchanges such as hitbtc, coinlim and coinsbit, and considering that this currency is a dedicated exchange currency, so pair in other exchanges seems to show the interest of this exchange to expand this token in The whole market has cryptocurrency.
In this review, I will analyze the price and chart of this currency.
In the daily and btc pair charts, the price is clearly in an uptrend channel, and according to the chart, I have presented a scenario of the price behavior of this currency in the daily chart. The price is currently at the bottom of the channel and this support has two modes, the first is to get out of the bottom of the channel, which I do not consider very likely due to the support, and the second is that I have indicated with arrows in the chart that From climbing and hitting the canal ceiling, a small price correction is given and then it comes out of the canal roof and faces the resistances (which I have specified in the chart).