EveryCoin (EVY), is developed as a blockchain ecosystem, which guarantees business solutions, a banking system created based on blockchain technologies for financial management, sending payments and trading. EveryCoin, has integration to its platform, a variety of services and well-functioning platforms, which provide users without a bank account the ease of managing their finances without regulations, facilitating platforms with extensive security, good performance and with support for tokenization to make payments in stores and to other users, trade finances, send remittances, manage digital assets, with a decentralized system that supports various digital currencies and the native EVY token, as well as a platform that integrates technologies to operate multi-chain, ensuring fast transactions, good performance, high security and low costs. EveryCoin (EVY), works as the native currency for operations within the ecosystem, it guarantees the operation of its financial system and business and banking solutions with blockchain, it is also a useful token as a means of payment, has good support from the various platforms of the ecosystem, guarantees a good decentralized trade from several popular exchanges and is a token of fast, secure transactions, with good algorithmic technologies DPOS and operates at multichain from its ecosystem.