ExclusiveCoin is a multi-purpose crypto money project that works in harmony with many applications created with care from Bitcoin. It is open source and open to development. They have been serving in the sector for about 7 years.
They define ExclusiveCoin as the enhanced version of Bitcoin. Of course this is not true. It differs with Bitcoin in many ways. Uses the PoS algorithm. It is one of the cryptocurrencies working on MasterNodes. Approval times are very fast.
ExclusiveCoin gives users anonymity. Users can hide their data against third parties. Thus, users can ensure their own safety. It especially prevents large companies from following your habits.
I like ExclusiveCoin's website. Because there are many informative articles. Also, there are tutorial articles on their website. You can understand the system better by reading the tutorials.
As a result; ExclusiveCoin project is a cryptocurrency created to perform trade transactions in privacy and globally.