EXMO Coin (EXM), has been developed as a decentralized token that allows the adoption of trading strategies, being a digital asset developed for access to different services, products and benefits within the EXMO exchange platform. EXMO Coin (EXM), operates easily and securely in an ecosystem with extensive security, supporting multiple digital assets, integrating a variety of easily accessible tools for trading, lending systems, digital asset management, cloud mining, to access trading practices and with mobile application that ensures secure access to the platform from mobile devices. EXMO Coin (EXM), is a token of wide utility, ensures easy trading from popular exchange platforms, is fast transactions, works as a token for payment of commissions, allowing users to get refunds or discounts on payment of trading and transaction fees, It also allows EXM token holders to securely access new innovations within the ecosystem, exclusive tools, participate in various events and even access services within the ecosystem. It is also a token for investments, making finances grow and its burning guarantees deflation.