As you can see, no matter how well the projects are created, some of them disappear. Although this project was created by several people, it is still very low and there is nothing on the internet about the essence of this project.
Although the project managed to attract the attention of many users by offering business logic and branding while looking at the website and social media account, its value in the market was reduced. However, the project did not last long.
Because the services and features offered seemed limited. Thus, they could not satisfy the users.
When I went online, I could not see any information about the Project at the moment.
When I go to the website, the blank indicator matches and looks scary. The value of the cryptocurrency appears to be low because users were not properly instructed when the token was launched. Apparently users left because they did not understand the true meaning.
In general, I do not find it appropriate to say anything positive about the project. I am thinking of following this a little bit. But it looks like he disappeared in a short time.