In general it is a Serbian platform created by players and for players to buy…
In general it is a Serbian platform created by players and for players to buy, sell, rent games or products behind games. its great advantage is that it allows the game creator to earn what the game really costs and for the buyers the security and immutability of the block chain
Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 2
Trading volume currently low.
One of the features that we can see is that in its official website, there is no data on the use of this cryptocurrency in games, for now it is only possible to opt for mining and trading. Active without any use.
It serves as a direct means between players and game developers since in the current market the intermediaries have the most profits. It also helps to reduce fraudulent services that usually only try to steal the user's bank data, because it is based on blockchain, your identity is also secured in the banking data. It allows developers to reach millions of users without having to pay cumbersome payment platforms and almost without any inconvenience. Some platforms are restricted depending on your location but with GAMECREDITS, this is in the past since you can pay several applications of your favorite games without restrictions or limits. To acquire this token there is no different way to do the traditional ways of buying and selling cryptocurrencies
Lack of funding, until recently online online wallet seemed very good but decided to take it offline. there was an update in the blockchain of something sudden and some exchanges have not even updated as for example yobit thing that made the currency lose value in the market and have fewer investors