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1075 Review
2891.25 Karma

Review on GridCoin by Robiul Islam

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Gridcoin offers rewards for donating your computer power to solving world…

Gridcoin offers rewards for donating your computer power to solving world issues such as cancer research, climate prediction, malaria control and even search for aliens! Gridcoin is an excellent coin technology wise and also a great pursuit. By mining Gridcoin you are contributing to science experiments from around the world, the cure for cancer or even the search for exterrestial life. If you look into the project, it seems to be doing a lot of good for the scientific community. I would highly recommend GridCoin because it has a highly stable and supportive community.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 3
Gridcoin website has been updated! The Gridcoin website is now fully navigable on mobile devices. Mobile users will have access to the navigation menu and be able to reach all the pages you could reach on a desktop computer. There has been a lot of work put into the site over the past 3 months.

This latest change fixes a long standing issue of mobile users being unable to navigate past the main page. The Navigation bar is now fully responsive, allowing mobile users to view all the pages you could view on desktop. It also bring with it some styling updates and tweaks throughout the site.

  • -Healthcare, Digital backing, Innivation. -Solo Crunching/Pool Crunching. -Scientific contribution, Energy efficient. -The online wallet, phone wallet and PC wallet are easy to set up. -Fast wallet sync, Excellent customer support.
  • -No physical backing (asset, profits, commodity). -Difficult setup mining. -Difficult to find developer team.

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