Holo is a community of passionate people who strive to create a distributed cloud owned and operated by community users like you and me. Holo believes in the power of a truly equitable Internet.
The pillar behind Holo is creation, division, and earnings. Together, they can create a more human-friendly internet - where you can control your own data; you can decide who you want to interact with and how you want to interact with them. Plus, you can get recognition and rewards when you help others do the same by sharing your computer's processing power and memory.
Holochain is a new technology for distributed computing. Holo allows this technology to be used by Internet users and spread faster.
Holochain is a platform infrastructure technology for distributed peer-to-peer applications, and Holo is the first application to be built on top of it. Holo's goal is to act as a bridge between the venerable community of Holochain distributed applications and the current centralized network. By creating the ecosystem and currency that allows distributed hosting services provided to members, Holo brings distributed applications access to a familiar web browser.
Holo's long-term goal is to expand the community based on and around Holochain apps until most people switch to using Holochain directly. But the adoption of a new technology as fundamental as Holochin will not happen overnight, so Holo is easily tolerating this transition here.
Holochain is an alternative to blockchain that is faster and more scalable for distributed applications.
Estimated revenue for cloud hosting in 2017 was over $ 250 billion. Large enterprises like Amazon and Google dominate the cloud computing industry.
Holochain is trying to create an infrastructure to run distributed applications (dApps). We've seen several crypto companies tackle the issue of decentralized web services: Dadi and SONM. We have seen Ethereum, Neo, and many others offer blockchain as a solution for launching dApps.
Holochain is not a blockchain, but a technology offering that takes concepts and lines from it on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) and Data Spot checks to enable a different Grid Computing mode. The use of this algorithm makes the Holochain network more scalable.
Besides decentralized cloud computing, it is taking over blockchain as the leading architecture for decentralized computing. If it succeeds, it will generally be cheaper and faster than blocks.
Using a Git-like consensus scheme allows applications to be self-contained (just like bindings to root links). With every node that doesn't need to keep a cumulatively growing register, it solves the cost of "expensive storage". The concept is unique and sounds.