Have you ever thought of making money off your everyday activities like chatting and interacting with friends and families. That's the why to be a reason for the building of Hypnoxys, a decentralised and trustless encrypted messaging service where it's users also get to earn rewards as ads are being displayed conspicuously on the application. The project has gone dark now with no response from the developers on the next set of progress
One thing I could blame to the failing of this project was it's token. The token which is used to pay the users comes from the revenue the project makes off from the money they get from ads they display. With lesser number of people interested in using their services, they went bankrupt. Now the project has no funds to work with and it's applications and website is outdated.
I will honestly advice anyone, especially does interested in the privacy of their messages not to use this project applications anymore as one can't verify the authenticity of its encryption levels again.