Jack Token (JACK): is a project that has extensive support in mining, which allows the use of a protocol that supports very effectively the processes of the exchange, is a site that was created to be able to share different types of content, freely and without custody, through its process you get rewards based on its digital currency, which can be sold or exchanged for other currencies, or subscribe to services of greater interest with which you can use more specialty tools and enjoy better content, is a project that through its mining support can establish important advances as it allows the display of all types of content aimed primarily for adults, has strict rules to operate or use their platforms, as they take great care of the integrity of its platforms, its currency is used as a stable means of payment, between user and platforms, it grows as a project process quickly, due to the level of its market technology, which can better see its integration and use with the network of blockchain services, is an open source project that can earn income in a very simple way by applying small steps, this focusing on users who really like to manage content of all kinds and focused on being like a social network.