Everyone thinks that this online project is a scam project but in my opinion I see this platform has a decentralized adult crypto-currency that comes to solve the monopolization of the adult industry. This project has proved it's worth by making it possible for every user to make money in the adult industry. I believe that Jack's project has a very high potential of infrastructure for widespread adoption in the industry. It also allows room for anyone willing to make money or to hook up for free without the disadvantage of competing with other users
While using this platform I observed that this jack networking system will be listed among the different exchanges and will be mineable on all connected network. Users can be able to acquire jack tokens through uploading content and able to spend these tokens to hook up out on users token exchange. This platform, have seen it to be the first ever platform that supports adult minning and rewards every users with Jack
One of my very good friend who was looking for the best platform to upload tokens and I recommended jubi token for him. At first he doubted the project but with time, he began to realise how reliable and efficient this project has gone rapidly. User can be able to spend their tokens to their own convienence and satisfaction with an escort through jack district or simply trade out user's token
Whenever I see people talking about this project, I try to make them to understand this platform has not just an ordinary website but a website that everyone makes money in today's world. And it's willing to spread the adoption in the industry, but also take time to ensure quality, security and set a greater standards in the video monetization industry