JustLiquifity is a phase that covers everything within the scope of the decentralized money (DeFi) framework, making the decentralized money circuits easier to overcome and overcome any obstacle between them. JustLiquidity has given all the liquidity in the Uniswap trade to the creators of the ETH coin to make the liquidity in the trade available to the buyers or buyers of the liquidity. In addition, JustLiquidity has defined its freedom to reward customers and to share JULb with a step that NFT’s can create, sell, or buy by those inspired by virtual reality. Another great help from JustLiquidity is a digital currency wallet that can be used to exchange cryptocurrencies that are available in a particular blockchain in another blockchain that does not look like a coin. At this stage, there is a working help and element that allows DeFi to outperform the traditional financial framework.