JustLiquifity is a platform that revolves round everything pertaining to the area of he decentralised finance (DeFi) system, it has made the decentralized finance platforms more much easier to use and interact with by the bridging the gap between them . JustLiquidity has provide all liquidity makers on Uniswap exchange with ETH coin for making liquidity available on the exchange for the liquidity takers or buyers. JustLiquidity as also created an opportunity for users to stakes their JULb to make rewards and with a platform where NFT'S could be created,sold or bought by those interested in the virtual contents. Another great service provided by JustLiquidity s a cryptocurrency wallet that could be used to store,swap and bridge cryptocurrency that exist on a particular blockchain to perform transactions on another blockchain that is entirely different from that of the coins own. The platform has a very active service and product that has given the DeFi a better chance over the traditional banking system.